My Birthday'es

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

happy bufday to FARISH ADAM!!!!!

Pada 30 0gos 2008/2010 iaitu kelmarin,, adalah tanggal yang t'penting buat insan yg bernama FARISH ADAM BIN JAMIL.... iaitu adik lelaki ak yg bongsu... hari lahir dya!!! semoga dya panjang umur,, jadi insan yg b'guna kelak,, berjaya dlm hidup,, d dunia n akhirat... amin2...

Adlyns J.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My IdoLs'

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

sooooo stresssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

kenapa!? kenapa!? kenapa!?
ADD MATHS!!!!!!!!!!
kenapa larh benda ney wujud????
da elok2 8 mata pelajaran utk SPM 2011 nanti....
tiba2 jadi 9 juga.....
pada hari Khamis yg lepas,
aku dan frenz yg laen ;
@azie jie, @zulradeey, @susan n byk laen larh....
yg terpilih utk ambik add maths ney cuma 25 orang..
dari kelas aku 7 orang t'masuk ak...
kami semua takut...
tapi ada kebaikannya juga....
kalau ambik add maths ja,,
utk lanjutkan pelajaran di universiti senang dpt masuk...
gagal add maths pun x kesah.......
yg penting ada ambik add maths...
still thinking maw ambik atau tidak...

Adlyns J. NineThieyfour'es
Free MP3 Downloads at

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bulan Ramadhan,,

Selamat menaiki penerbangan RAMADHAN AIR, bernombor 1431H
dengan tujuan AIDIL FITRI....
Kita akan terbang dengan ketinnggian 30/30 hari ke atas permukaan haus dan lapar...
Para penumpang diwajibkan untuk memasang niat PUASA dan menegakkan kursi SOLAT...
Penerbangan ini bebas asap PERSELISIHAN... Saya selaku anak kapal yang bertugas
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

miss someone,,,??????

When u miss someone,
The person is defiNately Special To u....!!!!!
But the point is........
If the person is so special......
Then what is the reason of missing such PERSON???????

Smiles only comes easy,,
When we are together....
Missing You A lots....!!!!!!

Love is missing someone when'ever you apart,,,
but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in
MY heart.......

Friends will come and friends will go,,
The seasons change and it will show,,,
I will age and so will you...
But our LOVE stays,,,
Strong and true......

Missing someone,,,
Is a part of loving them,,,
If you're never apart,,,
Then you'll never know,,,
How strong your love really is......

To feet someone In every Heartbeat,,
To find some In Very thought,,
To see someone With Closed eyes,,
To miss someone Without Any reason......

Thanksgiving is just Not,,
As fun as before,,,
Because you are Not here with Me....
Here's wishing we can be,,,,,
Together soon......

Each time I miss you,
A star falls down from the sky,,
So, if you looked up at the sky,,,
And found it dark with no stars,,,,
It's all your fault,,,,,
You made me miss you too much......

You may be far away,,,
But every single day,,,
My prayers and...
Thoughts accompany you....

Missing someone
Get easier everyday
Because when thought
You are one day
Further from the last time
You saw them
You are one day closer
To the next time you Will......

Winters does not feel cold
When warm memories are in the heart......
I'm all warm Thinking Of You!!!!!!

Missing someone isn't
About how long it's
Been since you've seen
Them last or the amout
Of time since you last
Talked it's about that
Very moment when
Your doing something
And you wish that they
Were right there with you......

Autumn colors are fascinating
But for me, there are just earthy hues...
For this Autumn doesn't have a touch of you
Wish you were with me, I'm missing you!!!

Missing someone when you're
Alone is not affection...
But thinking of someone even
When you're busy is called real AFFECTION......

Never thought...
It would be so hard
Staying away from you...
I keep thinking of "us"
Together again....

Friday, August 6, 2010

still thinking about...??????

Pada 23 Jun 2010,, sblm smpai ke pintu dewan dan duduk
berhadapan dengan guru kelas 4 PPN 2, Cik Maimunah @ Mai Cokes...
ak begitu b'debar2..takut apa yg cigu maw ckp dgn bapa ak..
sekali smpai d dewan...n berhadapan dgn cigu Mai...
bermula larh sesi pertemuan waris...
tetiba ada 1 kertas @ keputusan ak..
bila ak tengok ak dpt num 1 dlm kelas n....
num 2 utk keseluruhan form 4 drpd 286 owank...
aha! ak lupa yg TOP 10 keseluruhan form 4 pun dikira..
haha..ble2 lae lupa bah...
rupanya ak dpt 4A 2B 1C 1D????
padahal laen..
markah Maths n Agama ak berubah jd A??
Maths dr 68 jd 78???? kena tmbh sepuluh,,
Agama dr 72 jd 75???? kena tmbh tiga...
anyway...aku bersyukur larh..
n aku akan kekalkan pretasi ak ney
smpai final exam..


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